Saturday, June 2, 2012

Letter to Liceo Boston

15 May 2012

Dear Boston Community,

For the last three years our children have studied at Liceo Boston. We chose this school for the small class size, the friendly staff, and a reputation for a genuine caring environment paired with high academic standards.

As extranjeros, it is not easy to enter into a new culture and a new school community. The parents, staff, and teachers at Liceo Boston have been very patient with us, helping us understand procedures, welcoming us to participate, and including us in the process of our children’s education. The other parents that we have come to know are kind and committed to their families, and to each child’s development. There are so many people that have helped our children, through group projects, special events, sports, and concerts.

Each of our children have struggled at different times and for different reasons, but in every instance there has been a teacher or staff member that has walked through these struggles with them and helped them find success.

Liceo Boston is a school that we would highly recommend to other extranjeros or Colombians. The beautiful environment, creative teaching strategies, and focus on the whole child provide a perfect approach for quality education here in Bogota.

We are very grateful to each and every member of the staff at Liceo Boston. This has come to be a very special place for our family, and we will remember each of you as we leave this beautiful country with full hearts.

Please stay in touch with us. We hope to visit, and we welcome any Bostonian visitors to our home in the United States.  

We will be saying goodbye to Liceo Boston on June 2 after the sports practices. Feel free to stop by if you are available.

Gratefully yours,

Jennifer, Aaron, Andy, Lydia, and Abby Chappell Deckert

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